I am particularly proud of my Dutch book "Professionele video's maken met je smartphone" that was published in March 2022 by Dutch publisher Nubiz. It is available at every (online) bookstore in the Netherlands.
The ISBN number is 978 94 92790 36 1.
About my book: Many people are hesitant to make their own videos. They think it is time consuming and complicated. Or that you have to hire a professional or buy an expensive camera to become a professional. Not true at all. With your own smartphone you can make great high-quality videos and video blogs for your site and social media. My book is very practical and I explain step by step how you can film and edit professional videos with your smartphone - for yourself, for your company or for the organization you work for. Because making videos is fun, useful and an essential skill in the job market nowadays. Unfortunately it is only published in Dutch, but I'm working on a translation.
Shooting Professional Videos with Your Smartphone covers the following topics:
- The basics of filming with your smartphone
- Everything you need to know about light, sound and make-up
- Accessories: what you need and what you don't need
- Editing and editing apps
- Making a video plan, and general rules like rule of thirds and the 5-shot guideline
- Specific requirements of the different platforms
- Additional QR codes link to 8 additional video tutorials
- Contributions from experts and other creators
Professionele video's maken met je smartphone
Publisher Nubiz
ISBN 978 94 92790 36 1
Price € 20.00
Published March 2022 (second edition September 2022)
Cremerstraat 132, 3532 BJ Utrecht
06 24 23 11 70
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